Does Knowledge Have a Gender?

2020  150 × 200 mm  250 pages

Science Fiction Prototypes as Design Outcome of Research

2015  230 × 320 mm  190 pages

Isien synnit

2015  160 × 300 mm  180 pages

Ympäri sisällä

2015  240 × 300 mm  220 pages

tiina kymäläinen: science fiction prototypes as design outcome of research, 2015. published by aalto arts books / doctoral dissertations. book design by tuomas kortteinen, type design by jaakko suomalainen.

juha varto: the sins of the fathers / isien synnit, 2015. published by aalto arts books. graphic design by tuomas kortteinen, type design by niklas ekholm.

Riikka Mäkikoskela: Ympäri, sisällä. Kolmiulotteinen työskenteleminen kuvataiteessa, 2015. Published by Aalto Arts Books / Doctoral Dissertations.

Doing It In Public

2017  297 × 420 mm

Styles of Bathing

2019  297 × 420 mm

Uncanny Dimple

2018  210 × 297 mm


2014  420 × 594 mm

Poster for the exhibition Doing It In Public (2017) at Beaconsfield Gallery Vauxhall, organised by RCA Curating programme.

poster about different styles of bathing, as described by the 15th century Voynich manuscript (2019)

A2 Riso poster for Eevi Rutanen’s solo exhibition in Helsinki (2019), designed with Eevi. Printed by PageMasters.

sampling — fashion, furniture, glass & ceramics, 2014. exhibition identity for aalto university department of design. more at graphic design by tuomas kortteinen & heikki lotvonen, tatti typeface by mikko varakas.